Me siento honrado y encantado de ser nombrado Decano de la Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad Dominicana O&M, una escuela de medicina innovadora y vanguardista. Como miembro del equipo original de Harvard Medical International, he estado involucrado desde el principio en la planificación y el desarrollo de la escuela y he sido miembro de su Consejo Asesor durante los últimos dos años.
Its unique medical curriculum provides knowledge, skills and experiences beyond the typical subjects, such as the increasingly important role of non-medical factors in personal and population health. The curriculum is delivered by an outstanding and dedicated faculty, utilizing modern student-centered pedagogy to educate students from the Dominican Republic, Central and South America, United States, as well as other parts of the world.
The leadership of the university and the medical school, its faculty and I look forward to doing everything possible to give our present and future students the knowledge and tools to succeed in any healthcare field they choose – anywhere in the world.
H. Thomas Aretz,
Decano Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud