Based on the highest standards of modern medical education
Located in the Dominican Republic, O&Med’s mission is to create a new kind of physician that excels in clinical practice, research, commitment to the community, and teaching skills, in this new global society.
Get a glimpse of members of our Advisory Board and our teaching and learning methodologies.

Problem Based Learning (PBL)
The problem-based learning (PBL) methodology is the core teaching and assessment… (read more)

Our program is designed to develop student’s clinical and public health… (read more)

Community Project
O&Med aims to become a center of excellence in medical education in the Dominican… (read more)

Clinical Sciences / Agreements
On Friday, March 10th, 2017, O&Med signed a collaboration agreement with the Harrington… (read more)

Basic Science
Initially introduces students to basic biomedical mechanisms that support and… (read more)

Curriculum Integration
The O&Med curriculum is integrated both vertically, by bringing together… (read more)

Message from the Dean
I am honored and delighted to be appointed Dean of the Universidad Dominicana O&M School of Medicine, an innovative and forward-looking medical school. As a member of the original Harvard Medical International team, I have been involved with the planning and development of the school from its very beginning, and have served on its Advisory Board for the last two years.
H. Thomas Aretz, MD
Dean Faculty of Health Sciences
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I am honored and delighted to be appointed Dean of the Universidad Dominicana O&M School of Medicine, an innovative and forward-looking medical school. As a member of the original Harvard Medical International team, I have been involved with the planning and development of the school from its very beginning, and have served on its Advisory Board for the last two years.
H. Thomas Aretz, MD
Dean Faculty of Health Sciences
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Message from the Director
A new era in medical education and health science research has just begun. This new School of Medicine was developed in accordance with the requirements of this day and age, featuring interactive communication through social networks; the use of the Internet for research; the exchange of knowledge as well as the integration of new developments in medical education. Here, we envision a real change in the educational paradigm.
Eddy Pérez-Then, MD, PhD.
Medical School Director
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A new era in medical education and health science research has just begun. This new School of Medicine was developed in accordance with the requirements of this day and age, featuring interactive communication through social networks; the use of the Internet for research; the exchange of knowledge as well as the integration of new developments in medical education. Here, we envision a real change in the educational paradigm.
Eddy Pérez-Then, MD, PhD.
Medical School Director
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